Remember that zone 1 is perceived as an easy effort which you can maintain for very long periods of time. In zone 2 you will get slightly puffed but you can still have a conversation.

You go from jogging in zone 1 to a proper running movement in zone 2 with the main difference being that zone 1 has a slower rhythm, staying low to the ground where as zone 2 brings extra spring in your step combined with an increase in leg turnover (stride rate).

If you have not been able to follow the programme or if you have only followed it half-heartedly you need to adjust your goals and be prepared to jog-walk the event all the way at an easy pace. You will get there but it will take a bit longer.

Nerves can also interfere with your eating. This is not the time to put on or lose weight. Keep focused on the plan. You often hear top athletes talking about sticking to the process. That means they are not thinking of the final result at the finish line but they focus on their task during the event. This also applies to you. It means that most of the time your thoughts will be with your rhythm, pace and technique.

Your breathing will be a good measure of your pace and if your breathing is more laboured than during your training sessions you are going too fast. Prepare yourself to run surrounded by a large group of people. It can be quite unnerving for some people.

Above all, run at your own pace from the start. Hold back a bit when the gun goes off rather than trying to get ahead of the pack. If you start too fast there will be a price to pay later. If you have someone you can run with who is of a similar level you can keep each other in check.